The purpose of this study was to compare
scales to scores on a behavioral laboratory measure of temporal discounting. Participants were 99 college students recruited from psychology classes at a midwestern University. All students completed the MMPI-2 and the measure of temporal discounting. Specific hypotheses were made regarding probable correlations between specific scales ofthe MMPI-2 and the area under the curve value on the measure of temporal discounting. One of the five proposed hypotheses was supported, a significant correlation between the VRIN scale of the MMPI-2 and the area under the curve value on the measure of temporal discounting. No significant correlations were found between Scale 4 (Pd) ofthe MMPI-2 and temporal discounting or between Scale RC 4 (Antisocial Behavior) of the MMPI-2 and temporal discounting. In addition, no significant correlations were found between Scale 9 (Ma) of the MMPI-2 and temporal discounting or between Scale RC 9 (Hypomanic Activation) of the MMPI-2 and temporal discounting. Further analysis revealed no significant correlations between temporal discounting and other clinical or restructured clinical scales.