The general purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of two weight training methods: isotonic and isokinetic. The sixty-two college students who were the subjects were randomly assigned to the isotonic group or the isokinetic group. There were thirty subjects in the isotonic group 2nd thirty-two subjects in the isokinetic group. All subjects were pretested and then post-cested after a six week training program. A second post-test was conducted one week after the first post-test. TI~e subjects were tested in four types of vertical jump: 1) standing two foot jump, 2) running two foot jump, 3) running left foot jump, 4) running right foot jump. The comparative difference of jumping improvement for each jump was analyzed statistically. The statistical method used was the analysis of covariance at the .05 level of significance.
There was no significant difference in jumping improvement between the isotonic method and the isokinetic method. This study indicated, within its limitations, that these two methods for improving jumping ability are equal.