From May, 1984, through December 1984, collections and observations
of birds and mammals were made in and around Swartz Canyon in southeast Comanche County, Kansas. A total of 39 mammal and 94 bird species were documented as inhabiting the area. Bird and mammal data recorded in this study were qualitatively and quanitatively compared to related data of other studies. Data were found to agree with reference literature. Minor changes in the mammalian fauna were found to have occurred since Cockrum's (1952) investigation of Red Hills mammals. There were no discrepancies between the birds and mammals recorded in this study and those mentioned in other studies of Red Hills birds and mammals. Bird and mammal habitat preferences were analyzed and species grouped on the basis of habitat preference; these groups were further compared and discussed. Bird distributional limits described by Johnston (1965) were investigated and assigned to appropriate species recorded in this study. Probable affinities between bird distributional limits and habitat preference were compared and discussed.