Live-trapping of eastern woodrats was conducted in Chase County, Kanaas, from 18 April 1984 through 8 November 1985. Animals were marked with numbered ear tags and released. and subsequently, attempts were made to recapture them.
Houses of some female woodrats were opened at the proper time in order to locate and mark nestlings. Data regarding many aspects of the population were collected and analyzed and conclusions were drawn, as follows: Population density had declined drastically since last studied in 1983, and many houses were found to be vacant. Attempts to locate and mark nestlings were largely unsuccessful; only nine were recaptured. Larger, well-protected houses were more likely to be occupied than smaller, less well-protected sites during the study. Relocation from one house to another was common among both male and female woodrats, however, males were found to travel greater distances than females. Males were also found to relocate slightly more frequently than females. Juveniles commonly established themselves in nearby houses following dispersal from the maternal house.Eastern wood rat.