This study investigated the relationship between the Stanford-Binet: Fourth Edition and the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale. A kindergarten class of 21 children (10 boyst 11 girls) was administered each test. Six scores were recorded for each subject: CMMS t Binet IV Composite t and four Binet IV Area scores (Verbal t Abstract/Visual t Quantitative t and Short-Term Memory). The male children
scored higher on Binet IV Composite t Binet IV Verbal t Binet IV Quantitative t and Binet IV Short-Term Memory. The females' mean score was higher on Binet IV Abstract/Visual and the CMMS. However t no statistically significant differences occurred between male and female means for any of the tests. Pearson product-moment coefficients were calculated to determine the relationship between the CMMS and the five Binet IV scores. None of the correlations were statistically significant. This study indicates that until further comparative data are available a great deal of caution should be used when employing the CMMS as a quick, screening test.