Emporia ESIRC

Institutionalizing a coherent and comprehensive model for the improvement of curriculum and instruction.

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dc.contributor.author Stubenhofer, Melissa J.
dc.date.accessioned 2012-07-11T15:21:04Z
dc.date.available 2012-07-11T15:21:04Z
dc.date.created 1991 en_US
dc.date.issued 2012-07-11
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1853
dc.description 54 leaves en_US
dc.description.abstract It is the purpose of this paper to outline a model which assists educators in improving curriculum and instruction. This model takes the theories of outcome-bend describes how they can be used in conjunction with the accountability-based curriculum development model. A step by step process curriculum leaders end administrators can follow begins with the acquisition of knowledge, continues through the planning end implementing stages, end concludes with follow-up and evolution needed for successful restructuring of education. A summery of discussions with curriculum coordinators of three districts currently undergoing curriculum and instructions reform describes their efforts. Some of the problems which hove hindered school improvement, as well as those activities l!Ind processes which were more successful, provide educators who may be considering school reform with useful examples from which they may benefit. Successful school improvement will occur more Quickly if school districts follow a model, devise a well thought-out plan, and learn from the experiences of other districts. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Curriculum change. en_US
dc.subject Curriculum planning. en_US
dc.subject Education-Curricula. en_US
dc.title Institutionalizing a coherent and comprehensive model for the improvement of curriculum and instruction. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US
dc.college the teachers college en_US
dc.department elementary education,early childhood and special education en_US

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