The research on student development is confined almost exclusively to studies of traditional aged students. Review of the literature reveals that the development of older students is primarily addressed by theories of adult development.
with the increase in the numbers of nontraditional aged students attending college more specific information is needed on their psychosocial development.
The goals of this study were: to establish and identify, through use of the Student Developmental Task and LIfestyle Inventory (SDTLI), normative information about the psychosocial development of nontraditional aged, 25 to 45 year old, degree seeking, freshmen college students; and to compare this information to the SDTLI norms already available for traditional aged freshmen students. Significant differences between traditional aged and nontraditional aged freshmen were found for several areas. Implications of these differences and recommendations for programs and services are presented. Suggestions for further research regarding the psychosocial development of nontraditional aged students are proposed.