Many studies have demonstrated training can be effective in increasing an individual's knowledge about AIDS. However, few studies have examined the effects of different methods on reducing an individual's fear and the perceived consequences of working with someone who is HIV positive or has AIDS. Retail organizations should train their employees about AIDS since these employees come into contact with numerous customers and employees, all with the potential of being infected with the AIDS or HIV virus. This study compared three training interventions to examine their effects on employees' knowledge of AIDS, fear of AIDS, and perceived consequences of working with an HIV positive or AIDS infected co-worker. All employees viewed a video, produced by the retail organization, regarding Hepatitis and HIV. Next, employees were randomly assigned to three treatment groups. Treatment group one viewed a video in addition to the pretest. Group two also viewed the second video and had a discussion on their fears and concerns about AIDS. Group three served as the control group and received no additional training. A repeated measures design
identified no significant differences across treatment condition, though trends were in the predicted direction. Finally, significant differences were found across time.