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Browsing Theses 1981 by Issue Date

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Browsing Theses 1981 by Issue Date

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  • Allen, Jeffery E. (2012-12-05)
    This thesis explores the letters written by James Monroe Swales, a young volunteer of the 10th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment after his enlistment in August, lA61. The 21-year-old volunteer sent letters to relatives, ...
  • Andrews, Donna Mary. (2012-12-05)
    In all of his writing, Mark Twain uses various techniques and genres to expose social corruption. One of the genres he uses is the detective story. Twain burlesques the classical detective character and the classical ...
  • Badale, Cheryl. (2012-12-05)
    The purpose of the present study was to investigate what relationship, if any. exists between death anxiety and level of moral development. It was hypothesized that the higher the index of moral development (as measured ...
  • Collins, Jayme J. (2012-12-05)
    Assertion training has become a regular addition to inpatient treatments for alcohol and drug abusing patients. Although assertiveness training has proven therapeutic value, it seems to have been falsely assumed that ...
  • Du Bois, Elizabeth Ann. (2012-12-05)
    During the eighteenth century a trend of musical style caused the gradual decline in the use of the recorder and the rise in popularity of the transverse flute. This trend began in France in the late seventeenth century ...
  • Dean, Virgil W. (2012-12-06)
    The constitutional issue of the right to counsel for persons accused of criminal offenses in American courts has its origins in colonial America and has experienced a long evolutionary period of development. Through a close ...
  • Fuqua, Melvin D. (2012-12-06)
    The toxicity of the herbicide paraquat upon two larval stages of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) was studied. The histopathological effects and tissue accumulation of l4C-labeled paraquat were also investigated. Static ...
  • Gum, Patricia D. (2012-12-06)
    The eating habits, food preparation and food purchasing habits of successful*, obese and normal weight subjects were investigated in this study. A total of four hundred ninety-seven subjects participated in the study and ...
  • Huston, Janice M. (2012-12-06)
    Perhaps more than any other philosophy, the Transcendental influence of the mid-nineteenth century allowed Herman Melville and Walt Whitman to experiment with their writing. The unlimited opportunities of America spilled ...
  • Hayes, Tim (2012-12-06)
    A vegetation study was connected on 200 acres of the Ross Natural History Reservation (RNHR) from May 20 to July 24, 1978. The study included analysis of physical and vegetative characteristics of each of the 23 vegetation ...
  • Hoskins, Lee. (2012-12-06)
    Examined is a feature of the personnel management system of the United States Foreign Service. Lateral entry, the absorption of individuals into the professional diplomatic corps at other than the bottom grade, is traced ...
  • Hawthorne, Joyce Donelle. (2012-12-06)
    Studies are being performed on the crystal structure of rare earth metal hydrides for use as hydrogen storage systems. As hydrogen is added to the metal, a face centered cubic hydride is farmed. Additional hydrogen is then ...
  • Kelley, Ray L. (2012-12-06)
    This study investigated the relationship between biorhythm theory and decision-making. Biorhythm promoters claim behavior is influenced by a trio of biological rhythms which control the availability of energy to inner ...
  • Mundorff, Jeanne VanNoy. (2012-12-06)
    In 1974 Joe A. Hewitt conducted a study of the development of online cataloging in the charter member libraries of the Ohio College Library Center. This study of the development of OCLC in New Mexico utilizes Hewitt's ...
  • Markuly, Pando. (2012-12-06)
    Plyometric exercises, which contract a muscle while it is stretching, and isokinetic exercises, which provide resistance equal to the muscles tension, are significantly superior to control groups. This research was designed ...
  • Mayes, Robert Lee. (2012-12-06)
    Mathematical induction is prevalent in many varied areas of mathematics, and has several very necessary and useful applications. Yet induction, as a deductive method, is often not fully comprehended by the person applying ...
  • McIntire, Patricia J. (2012-12-06)
    This thesis explores the use of theater games and play in actor training as postulated by Viola Spolin and Clive Barker, both experts in this field. Play is a natural educational process involving behavior modification on ...
  • Okirike, Boniface Ifere. (2012-12-06)
    This thesis is an indepth study of a theme: "The difficult rapport with the 'other'" as demonstrated by the three characters in Huis clos (No Exit), a philosophical play by Jean-Paul Sartre, the greatest French writer of ...
  • Perkins, Duane Roy. (2012-12-06)
    [)urin~ the critical period immediately preceding and following the First World War, radical groups throughout the world arose in unprecendented numbers. These groups, usually emphasizing the importance of nationalism, ...
  • Peck, F. David. (2012-12-06)
    A study of seasonal changes in metabolic activity ,2 energy reserves in the frog, Rana pipiens, was conducted. Values for oxygen consumption, and carbon dioxide production were collected and used to indicate changes in the ...