2 responses of 20 male and 20 female Kenyan college students from three universities were examined. Kenyan students were compared with the US normative college samples (Butcher et aI., 1990) on the clinical and validity scales. The results indicated that Kenyan college women responded to the MMPI-2 in a highly similar manner to the MMPI-2 US normative female sample. Significant differences on the mean raw scores on Scales F, 2 (D), 6 (Pa), 7 (Pt), and 8 (Sc) were found between the Kenyan college men and US college men. Mean score differences on the validity and clinical scales were within 1 to 3 T-score points on most scales for women and 2 to 6 T-score points for men and frequency distributions of Kenyan college students were similar to those of MMPI-2 US normative college sample. Elevations on scale F and 8 with Kenyans college students (especially men which are consistent with results in other cultures) were clinically significant. This suggested that new overall norms would be unnecessary if proper adjustments were made for Scales F, 8 (Sc), and 0 (Si). Also of interest was the similarity in endorsement patterns on scales 3 (Hy) and 5 (Mf) between Kenyans and US males. Equally striking was that significant differences between male and female Kenyans occurred on these Scales (3-Hy and 5-Mf); thus suggesting that gender-related factors may be more salient in the men's endorsement patterns on these scales than culture. Conversely, the significant differences between the Kenyans and US normative college sample on all validity and
clinical scales point to more cultural and gender-based differences between the men and women.
An analysis of variance was performed to test whether the variances of the two groups for the two scales were different from one another. Large variances occurred on Scales F and 0 (Si) for both Kenyan men and women versus American men and women. For men E(38,5 -) = 7.25,12< .01 and for Scale 0 (Si), E(38,5 -) = 3.49, 12 < .05. This indicated that Kenyan men were much more variable on their F and 0 (Si) scores than American men.
Similarly, for the Scales F for women, E(38,5 -) = 8.19, 12 < .01 and for Scale 0 (Si), E (38,5 -) =3.01, 12 < .05. This also indicated that Kenyan women were much more variable on their F and 0 (Si) scores. This suggested that the MMPI-2 inventory might not be useful enough to enhance accuracy of clinical diagnosis, interpretations, and predictions of psychopathology for Kenyans.
In spite of small sample size, the results of this study indicated the MMPI-2 could be used in Kenyan to enhance accuracy of clinical diagnosis, interpretations and predictions of psychopathology, if proper adjustments were made on some of the clinical and validity scales especially Scales F, 2, 6, 8, 7, and 0 for men and Scales F, 8, and 0 for women. However, future researchers may require a larger sample from Kenya for a more conclusive validation of the MMPI-2 with Kenyans.